[1] The Ambaſſadours that came with this meſ|ſage, were honourably receyued, and in like ſort enterteyned by king Iames, who at their depar|ture gaue to thẽ ſundry rich gifts, and appointed [page 383] ſir William Creichtoun to goe with them into Denmarke,Sir William Creighton ſent into Denmark.Ambaſſadour from him, to the king there, who vſed himſelfe ſo ſagely in this buſi|neſſe which he thus went about, that renuing the olde league betwixt the two Realmes of Den|marke and Scotlande,Peace and ami|tie betwixt Scotland and Denmarke. ſtedfaſt peace and aſſured amitie without any more ado thereof enſued.