[1] A Parliament at Perth.Much what about the ſame time, there was a Parliament holden at Perth, in the which Hen|rie Wardlaw Biſhop of Saint Androwes, in name of al the three eſtates there aſſembled,Biſhop Ward|law inueyeth agaynſt ſuper|ſtuous fate. made a long and right pithie Oration to this effect, that where by the highe policie and prudent dili|gence of the kings Maieſtie there preſent, iuſtice, and all maner of due adminiſtratiõ of lawes and good ordinances were ſo reuiued, that nothing ſeemed to be ouerpaſſed that might aduaunce to the profite and cõmoditie of the common wealth, yet was there one wicked vſage crept in of late, increaſing ſo faſt, that if ſpeedie remedie were not bad in time, all thoſe commodities brought into the Realme by his comming, ſhoulde be of ſmall auaile, and that was ſuche ſuperfluous ryot in banketting cheare, and numbers of coſtly diſhes, as were then taken vp and vſed after the Engliſh faſhion, both to the great hinderaunce of mans health, and alſo to the vnprofitable waſting of their goodes and ſubſtance.