[1] But now to ſpeake ſomewhat, concerning the order of the common wealth in Scotlande, yee ſhall vnderſtande, that after the deathe of Ro|berte Duke of Albany,Mordo Ste|ward Earle of of Fyfe elected gouernour of Scotlande. his ſonne Mordo Ste|warde Earle of Fife and Menteith, was made gouernoure, continuing in that office for the ſpace of foure yeeres, though (to confeſſe the trouth) hee was farre vnmeete thereto, differyng muche from the wiſedome and manhoode of hys Father, for in him remayned ſundry vices,The repug|naunt vices reigning in Mordo Ste|warde. great|ly variable and contrary one to another.