[1] In the meane while alſo, the Earles of Buch|quhan and Wigton with Alexander Lindſay brother to the Earle of Crawford, and Thomas Swyntoun Knightes,Scottiſh ſoul|diours arriued in Fraunce. accompanyed with ſeuen thouſand well armed men, arriued in Fraunce, to the greate reioycing of the Dolphine, as hee well declared in the thankfull receyuing and moſt hartie welcomming of them. Finally,Chatelon in Touraine de|liuered to the Scottiſhmen. the towne & Caſtell of Chatelone in Tourayne was deli|uered to them, that they might haue a place at all times to reſorte vnto, at their owne will and pleaſure.