[1] And amongſt other Articles of the ſame a|greement it was concluded,The articles of agreement. that after the deceſſe of Charles the Frenche King, the Crowne of Fraunce ſhould immediately deſcend vnto King Henry, as lawfull inheritour to that Realme, withoute all contradiction, by reaſon whereof, Charles the Dolphine and ſonne to the ſayde King Charles, was cleerely excluded from all clayme to the ſame: but this notwithſtandyng,The Dolphin of Fraunce maynteyneth the warre a|gainſt the Engliſhmen. the Dolphine did not only refuſe to ſurrender hys title, but alſo ſoughte to mainteyne the warre a|gainſte King Henry, as his aduerſarie and open enimie to the Realme.