[1] Whileſt things paſſed thus in Englande, William Halyburtoun wanne the Caſtell of Warke,The Caſtell of Warke wonne. and ſlew all ſuch as he found within it, howbeit, ſmall while endured the ioy of thys for|tunate ſucceſſe to the Scottes: for ſundry Eng|liſhmen that knewe all the ſecretes of the houſe, found meanes to enter through a gutter, that ſer|ued in manner of a Sinke, to auoyde al the filthe of the Kitchin into the Riuer of Tweede, brea|king downe a pane of an olde wall, and ſo made entrie for the reſidue of their fellowes, by reaſon whereof,It is againe recouered. they eaſily recouered the Caſtell, and in reuenge of them that were ſlayne there when the Scottes wanne it, they likewiſe ſlew al thoſe whiche were as then within it, withoute any re|ſpect of one or other.