[1] We finde in the Scottiſhe Chronicles, that this Henry the fifth at hys returning foorthe of Fraunce, after his firſt iourney thither (hauyng in the ſame wonne the Towne of Harfleete, & diſ|comfited the whole power of Fraunce at Agyn|court) was conſtreyned to goe againſt ye Welch|men, and encoũtring with the Prince of Wales, was diſcomfyted,Henry the fifth diſcomfi|ted by the Welchmen. He ſubdueth them. and loſt tenne thouſand of hys men, but after this, hee reenforced his power, and came agayne into Wales, not ceaſſing, til he had brought the Welchmen ſubiect at his pleaſure, but the Engliſh writers make no mention of a|ny ſuche matter.