[1] Though thys matter was handled as finely as was poſſible, and made ſo ſounde and cleere as coulde bee deuiſed, yet was not the Kyng ſo ſatiſfyed in hys mynde, but that hee hadde a greate ſuſpicion in the Duke of Albany as au|thour of hys ſonnes deathe:The ſuſpition of the Kyng towards the Duke of Al|bany. but for ſo muche as the Duke had all the Realme vnder hys obey|ſance, partly by policie, & partly by authoritie of his office, beyng gouernour therof, ye King durſt not attempt any thing agaynſte hym, but rather doubted, leaſt hee hauing an ambitious deſire to the Crowne, woulde compaſſe alſo to haue the lyfe of his ſeconde ſonne named Iames as then Prince of Scotlande, and therefore by the faith|full helpe and good aduice of Walter Wardlawe the Biſhop of Sainte Androws, he prouided a Shippe,The Kyng ſendeth away his ſonne the Prince. and ſente the ſayde Prince forth in the ſame to paſſe into Fraunce, deliuering hym alſo a letter written and directed vnto the King of England in his fauoure, if he chaunced to fall at vnwares by any fortune into the Engliſhmens handes.