[1] The Kyng as then remayning in Bute (where for the moſt part he euer ſoiourned) thogh hee were not well able to trauell by reaſon of long ſickneſſe,The Kyng commeth to Edynburgh. yet in a chariot hee came vnto E|dynburgh, vpon the earneſt deſire he had to ſee his ſonnes death puniſhed. And at his comming thi|ther, the Duke of Albany deliuered vnto hym certayne naughty perſons, and ſuche indeede as for their haynous actes and vngratious conditi|ons deſerued well to die (though not for thys matter) whiche neuertheleſſe by vntrue ſugge|ſtions and forged accuſements, beeyng broughte afore corrupt iudges, (and ſuche as the Duke of Albany had prouided for his purpoſe) were con|demned as giltie of his deathe,Giltleſſe per|ſons condem|ned. whome in al theyr lyfe time they neuer ſawe.