[1] For ſhortly after,Henry Hote|ſpurre and the Earle of March en|ter into Scot|land. Henry Percy ſurnamed as is ſaid, Henry Hoteſpurre, & the Earle of March entred into Scotland, and gote togither a greate bootie of goods and Cattell; but for returne therof, Archembald Earle of Dowglas hauing aſſem|bled [figure appears here on page 367] a power of mẽ, came with the ſame towards the enimies, immediately wherevpon they fledde, and left all their bootie behynd them, which beyng recouered by the ſaid Earle of Dowglas and his company, hee returned backe vnto Edynburgh, wher he ſhortly after being takẽ wt an hote feuer,The deceſſe of Archymbald Earle of Dow|glas. departed out of this life, leauing behind hym an honorable memorie of his name for his high pro|wes and noble valiancie ſhewed in many and ſundry enterpriſes by him luckily atchieued for the wealth of his countrey.