[1] King Roberte ſore dreading, leaſt by thus Earles procuremente ſome trouble might hap to folowe amongſt his ſubiectes, ſente an Herald at armes into England with letters vnto him,King Roberte [...]th vnto the Earle of Marche. pro|miſing by the tenor of the ſame, not only to par|don him of all offences committed, but alſo to re|dreſſe all wrongs or iniuries which he hadde any wayes forth receyued, if hee woulde returne into Scotlande: & for as much as the Earle of March refuſed this offer, the ſame H [...]de according to inſtructions giuen him at his departure frõ King Roberte, wente immediately to Henry King of Englãd with other letters,Sent letters alſo vnto the King of Eng|lande earneſtly deſiring him to cauſe the Earle of March to depart out of hys Realme, and not to receyue any Rebelles out of Scotlande into his boundes, whereby the peace mighte bee violated, whiche as yet remayned be|twixt the two Kingdomes.