[1] In the yere next enſuing, that is to wit .1400. King Robert in conſideratiõ of a ſumme of mo|ney to him aforehand payd, contracted couenants of mariage to be had and made betwixt his ſonne the Duke of Rothſay, and the Earle of Marches daughter,The occaſion of the falling foorth betwixt King Robert, and the Earle of March. but Archembalde Earle of Dowglas hauing indignation yt the Earle of March ſhould be preferred before him, by ſupport of the Duke of Albany, procured a counſel to be called, in ye whi|che hee founde meanes to aſſure his daughter the Lady Mariory vnto the ſayd Duke of Rothſay, and with al ſpeede went about to conſummate ye mariage betwixt them, to put the matter out of all doubt.