[1] The ſame yeere, Richard King of England maried Iſabell daughter to the Frenche
King, and ſoone after,Richard King of Englande goeth into
Irelande. went into Ireland to ſubdue ſuch Iriſhe Rebells, as
troubled the quiet ſtate of the Countrey. But in the meane time, his Lords at
home rebelled againſt him, and determined to de|poſe him from the Crowne, ſo
that vpon hys re|turne into Englande, hee was apprehended and put in ward, and
ſhortly after,King Richard is depoſed. conſtrayned to
re|nounce all his righte to the Crowne, and adiud|ged therewith to perpetuall
priſon yet at length,He is adiud|ged to perpe|tuall
priſon. (as the Scottiſh Chronicle telleth) he gote forth of priſon
diſguiſed in womans apparell, & came into Galloway, where hee fell in
ſeruice with a Scottiſhman named Makdonald, but at ye laſt,He eſcapeth foorth of priſon. being bewrayed and knowen what he was,
and therevpon brought to King Robert, he was right honorably by him
entertained, neuertheleſſe, kno|wing him ſelfe depoſed from his royall eſtate,
hee gaue himſelfe wholly to contemplation, til final|ly he departed this world
at Striueling, and was buried in the blacke Friers there within the ſame towne
as the ſame Scottiſh Chronicles vntrue|ly do report. But to the matter,King Richard dieth at [...]er|ling and lyeth buried there. Henry the ſonne of Iohn of
Gaũt ſometime Duke of Lancaſter, after ye King Richard was depoſed,
Henry the fourth King of Englande is crowned. 1399. I.M. 1400