[1] The Lorde Welles borne out of his ſaddle.And bycauſe the Earle of Crawford thus vanquiſhed his aduerſarie on ſaint Georges day, he founded a Chanterie of ſeuen Prieſtes to ſing in our Ladies Church of Dundee, in memorie of Saint George, which they did vnto our time, not withoute ſingular commendation of the ſayde Earle. After this, hee remained three monethes in Englande, in ſporting and feaſting amongſt the nobles, before he returned into Scotlande, highly prayſed of all eſtates for his noble port and great liberalitie there ſhewed amongſt them.

Prayſe of the Earle of Craw|fort.

Sir Roberte Morlay.