[1] In the thirde yeere after a Parliamente was holden at Perth, wherein, beſides diuers conſtitu|tions and ordinances enacted for the aduaunce|ment of the common wealth, the King made his eldeſt ſonne named Dauid (that was as then a|bout [page 366] an eighteene yeeres of age) Duke of Roth|ſay, and his brother Roberte (that was Earle of Fife and gouernour of the Realme,The firſte Dukes that were created in Scotlande. as before yee haue heard) hee created Duke of Albany. Theſe were the firſte Dukes that hadde bin hearde of in Scotland, for till thoſe dayes there was neuer a|ny within ye Realm that bare that tytle of honor.