[1] It chanced in the dayes of King Dauid the thirde, there was an Engliſhman of that name taken priſoner in Scotland, who by chaunce be|ing in place where the Earle of March was got vpon a yong gelding vnbroken, the whiche play|ing the vnruly Iade in fetching and flinging a|loft, put the Earle in greate daunger of his lyfe, and when all other that were preſente there gaue backe, and durſt not ſteppe in to make any ſhifte to help the Earle: this Engliſhman lept to hym, and boldly catching holde on the bridle reyne, held the Horſe faſt till the Earle was ſafely gote beſide him.