[1] For amongſt other, the Earle of Dowglas himſelfe was thrice ſtriken through the body, and [page 364] alſo wounded ſo mortally on the head, that being borne to his tent a little before the end of the bat|tell, he dyed of thoſe hurtes immediately after, to the greate diſcomforte of all his armie, concey|uing more dolorous griefe for the loſſe of ſo wor|thy a chieuetayne,See more of this matter in Englande. than ioy for the gayne of ſo greate a victory. His body was conueyed vnto Melros, and buryed beſide his father Earle Wil|liam in the Abbey church there. And bycauſe this Earle Iames had no heires of his body begot|ten,Archimbalde Dowglas ſuc|ceeded the Earle Iames of Dowglas. his Couſin Archembald Dowglas Lord of Galloway ſucceeded him in the Earledome.