[1] Froyſart making mention of this enterprice thus made by the Scottes,Froiſart ſome|what varyeth from the Scot|tiſh writers. varieth ſomewhat frõ the Scottiſh writers in this place, for he ſpeaketh nothing that the Dowglas and the Percy ſhould thus runne togither on horſebacke as before is ſpecifyed, but that in giuing aſſault to the towne, in chanced that as the Engliſhmen defended their barriers withoute the gate, the Dowglas fortu|ned to be matched hand to hãd with Henry Per|cy, and there by force plucked the Percyes ſtaffe from him, and in retourning hoyſted it vp on heigth, ſaying, he woulde carrie the ſame for hys ſake into Scotlande: and the nexte day after,Dowglas en|camped at Otterborne. hee reyſed his campe and departed homewardes to|ward the bordures, and comming to a place cal|led Otterborne, about a twelue or fourtene miles from Newcaſtel, pitched downe his tentes there, that his ſouldiours might take ſome reſt and re|freſhe themſelues after their greate trauell, for they had not reſted of all the day nor night before, nor to any purpoſe, ſith their firſte entring into Englande.