[1] The towneſmen doubting to be taken by aſ|ſalt, purchaſed a truce for certayne dayes, promi|ſing to giue a greate ſumme of money to haue their towne ſaued: but in the meane time,The craftie dealing of the towneſmen. they aſ|ſembled the number of an eight hundred menne, through help of an other towne not farre off, cal|led Doundalke, and ioyning with them, they de|uided them ſelues into two partes,The Iriſhmen aſſayle the Scottes in two ſeueral places. one parte ſet|teth vpon Robert of Duryſdeir, who hauing the conduit of the Earle of Fifes men, was gone a|broade into the Countrey to fetch in ſome pray, and the other part aſſayleth William Dowglas, that lay ſtill afore the towne.