[1] 1388.In the yeere 1388. Roberte Earle of Fife, and Archembald Dowglas Lorde of Galloway, en|tred with a proude army into Englande, and in the meane time, came ſundry Iriſhmen by Sea, to the coaſtes of Galloway,Iriſhmen fetch prayes in Gal|loway. and landing in dy|uers places, fetched away great booties of Cattel, and other goodes of the inhabitauntes, whereof William Dowglas,Williã Dow|glas inuadeth Ireland with fiue hundred men, as Iohn Fourdon hath. ſonne of the ſaide Archem|bald being enformed, gote a conuenable power of men togither, by ſupporte of his brother in lawe, Robert Earle of Fife, and by licence of the King paſſed ouer with the ſame, ſhipped in certayne veſſels into Ireland, where being gote a lande,Carelingforde beſeeged. he layd ſiege to the towne of Carlingford.