[1] He begote on hir a daughter, whiche was after maried to the Erle of Orkeney. This William Dowglas, as Iohn Furdon noteth, was of a blackiſh or ſwart couloure, not ouercharged with fleſh, but bigge of bone, a mightie perſonage, vp|right and tall, valiant, curteous, amiable, full of liberalitie, mery, faithfull, and pleaſaunt in com|pany, but herewith he was of ſuche ſtrength, that whome ſouer he ſtroke eyther with mace, ſword, or ſpeare, downe he wente were hee neuer ſo well armed. At one time, as the ſame Furdon ſayeth, he hauing with him but eight hundreth, foughte againſt three thouſand Engliſhmen, of whome, two hundred he ſlewe in the fielde, and broughte fiue hundred priſoners with him into Scotland.