[1] The forme of mold deede of gifte. I Kyng Athelſtane gyues to Paullane, Odhi|am and Rodhiam, als guid and als fayre, als euer yay mine wayre, and yarto witneſſe Malde my wife. By tenoure of whiche deede it may ap|peare,The true mea|ning of men fielde time. that our aunceſtors gaue more credite to the true meaning of a fewe words barely expreſ|ſed in their writings, than that there needed ſo long proces and circumſtaunce as is nowe vſed with long ſtudie of penning, nothyng beeyng thought ſufficiente to aſſure the parties of theyr couenaunted bargaynes, and concluded agree|mentes.