[1] In the yeare next enſuing,1387 Walter Wardlaw Biſhop of Glaſgewe and Cardinall departed this life. Alſo within a while after that king Ri|chard was returned back into England, Robert Steward Erle of Fife, wt Iames Erle of Dow|glas, [page 361] Archir [...]bald Dowglas, L. of Galoway en|tred into Englande with an army of thirtie M. men,An Army of thirty thou|ſand Scottes inuaded Eng|land by the weſt marches. Cokermouth taken vpon the ſuddayne. comming ſo ſecretely through the water of Sulway, that they came to Cokermouth in ſuch ſpeedy wiſe vppon the ſuddayne, that the people had not leyſure to conuay away their goodes, ſo that the Scottes remaynning there for the ſpace of three dayes, got a riche bootie togither, and retur|ned with the ſame through ye countreys of Weſt|merland and Northumberlãd ſafe, and without encounter agayne into Scotlande.