[1] Fourdon.But Fourdon writing of the winning of this Caſtell, ſpeaketh not of any ouerthrow giuen to thoſe that ſhould come from Carleil in maner as other write. For thus he ſayth. Whẽ Archimbald Dowglas had got knowledge that the ſame Ca|ſtell was vtterly vnprouided both of men and vi|tails neceſſarie for the defence therof, he aſſembled an army togither with the helpe of the Earles of Dowglas & Dunbar, who ioining with him, en|uironed the Caſtell about with a ſtrong ſiege, ſo that no ſuccour coulde enter to the reliefe of them within at any hande.Sir William Fetherſton. Herevpon the captaine ſir William Fetherſton knight, ſent letters vnto the lord wardens of the Engliſh marches, requi|ring ayde, & letting them to vnderſtande in what daunger hee ſtoode for lacke of men and vitayles. The wardens wrote to him again, that he ſhould do his beſt for .viij. dayes to holde out, & if no ſuc|cor came within that terme, thẽ to do as he ſhuld ſee cauſe. Herevpon ſir William Fetherſton re|quyred a truce of the Scottiſh lords for the ſpace of thoſe .viij dayes, within which terme if no ſuc|cor came to remoue their ſiege, he would yeeld the caſtel vnto them, the liues and goods of thẽ with|in ſaued. This was granted, & the Scots ceaſſed further to annoy them within by aſſaultes: and when the .ix. day was come, and no ayde from Englande appeared, they receyued the caſtel into their poſſeſſion, according to the couenãt. And ſo the Scottes hauing thus wonne the Caſtell of Lochmaben, razed it quite downe to the earth.It is raſed.