[1] The truce ex|pired.As ſoone as the truce was expyred, Archym|balde Dowglas Lorde of Galloway,The gariſon of Lochmaben diſpleaſed in his minde that the Engliſhmen lying in gari|ſon within the Caſtell of Lochmaben did dayly harie and robbe the villages and country townes of Galloway & Annandall, rayſed a great power by ſupport of the Earles of Dowglas, & March, & therwith layd a ſtrong ſiege vnto the ſayd Ca|ſtell of Lochmaben,1384 and hauing lyen thereat the ſpace of ix. dayes, they fought with a number of Engliſh men that came out of Carleil to reſcue this caſtel, whom hauing put to flight, they gaue therewith alſo a ſharpe aſſault to the Caſtell, and put them within in ſuche feare, that ſir William Fetherſton then captaine thereof,The caſtell of Lochmaben rendred to the Scottes. and the reſidue conſented to yeeld the houſe vnto the Scots euen the ſame day wtout more ado, vpõ condition they might depart wt their goods in ſaftie into Englãd