[1] In the meane time Edward king of England the third of that name, departed this life, and Ri|chard of Burdeaux, ſonne to the blacke Prince, Edward, that was ſonne to the ſaid K. Edward, ſucceeded, in the fourth yeare of whoſe raigne be|ing after the byrth of our Sauiour .1181,


Engliſh Am|baſſadors ſent into Scotland.

Iohn of Gaunt Duke of Lancaſter, with other Eng|liſhe Lordes came into Scotlande in Am|baſſade, to treate for the appeaſing of the diſcorde as then continuing betwixt the two Realmes: and in the ende the matter was ſo handled, that a truce was concluded to endure for three yeares.A truce taken.