[1] To reuenge theſe diſpleaſures,Henrie Percie Erle of Nor|thumberland. Henrie Per|cie Erle of Northumberland, entred into Scot|lande with ſeuen thouſande men, and comming vnto Duns, there pytch [...]d downe his tents, but in the night following came the Herdes and other people of the countrey, hauing prepared certayne bagges made and ſowed togither of drie leather like to Bladders,A policie to a|fright horſes. into the whiche they had put ſmall pebble ſtones, and running vp and downe about the place where the Engliſh men were en|camped, made ſuche a noyſe with thoſe bagges full of ſtones, that the Engliſhe mens Horſes breaking theyr Halters and Brydles, wherewith they were tyed, ranne from theyr maiſters and keepers, and were ſcattered ſo abrode in the coun|trey, that the Scottiſhe men got holde of them, and ſo in the morning the Engliſh men that had watched al night (for doubt to haue beene aſſay|led by theyr enimies) perceyuing themſelues ſet on foote, returned home without any further at|tempt.