[1] Sir Iohn Gordoun right deſirous to reuenge this iniurie, came into Englande
with an armie, and getting togither a great bootie of Cattell, re|turned
therwith homewardes, but being encoun|tred by the way at a place called Carran
or Car|ram, by Iohn Lilborne and other Engliſh men, there was a ſore fight
betwixt them, the victorie for a time ſhewing
it ſelfe ſo variab [...]e and vncer|taine, that ſir Iohn Gordon was ſore wounded, and the Scottes
were fiue tymes that day had in chaſe, and as often got the like aduantage of
their enimies.
The Engliſh men diſcom|fited. Sir Iohn Lyl|borne taken.