[1] Shortly after,An Act for ſuc+ceſsion of the Crowne. he called another Parliament at Perth, where it was ordeyned, that after the death of King Robert, the crowne ſhould diſcend vnto Iohn his eldeſt ſonne, and to his iſſue male, and for default thereof vnto Robert his ſeconde ſonne, and to his heyres male, and for default of ſuch heyres, to Alexander his thirde ſonne, and to his heyres male. And in default of them, to re|mayne to his ſonne Walter, begotten on Eu|fame his wife, and to the heyres male of his body begotten: and if ſuche ſucceſſion fayled, then it ſhoulde diſcende vnto his yongeſt ſonne Dauid the Erle of Stratherne, and to his heyres gene|rall eyther male or female, and all the Nobles of the Realme were ſworne to perfourme this newe ordinance touching the ſucceſſion to the Crowne, and that in moſt ſolemne maner.