[1] The Earle of Sutherlande, father to the ſayde Iohn, in hope that his ſonne ſhoulde enioy the Crowne, gaue away the moſt part of his landes, deuiding the ſame amongeſt his friendes, as to the Hayes, the Sinclares, the Ogylbies, and Gordones: But hee was neuertheleſſe deceyued of his hope, for ſhortly after his ſonne beeing one of them that was giuen in pledge to remaine in England,The death of Iohn Suther|lande. till the money for the kings raunſome was payde, dyed there of the Peſtilence, in ſuche ſorte as the moſte part of the other pledges like|wiſe did.