[1] He alſo called a Parliament wherin he enac|ted ſundrie things for the puniſhment of them that fled from him at Durham field,A Parliament. and firſt for that hys couſin Robert Stiwarde was one of them, beeing through meanes thereof a greate cauſe of the ouerthrowe, he procured that the act (by whiche the crowne was appoynted for want of iſſue of his bodie lawfully begotten,

Robert Ste|warde diſin|herited of the crowne.

Iohn Suther|lande made heyre appa|rant.

to defende vnto the ſayde Robert Steward was vtterly re|uoked and diſanulled, and Iohn Sutherlande the ſonne of Iane his yongeſt ſiſter, appoynted heire apparant in place of the ſayde Robert. And all the Lordes of Scotlande were ſworne to obſerue and keepe this ordinance.