[1] Truce for .14. yeares.Truce alſo was taken for the ſpace of .xiiij. yeares betwixt both Realmes, and dyuerſe No|bles of Scotlande were appoynted to lye as Ho|ſtages in Englande, tyll the money were payde, as is before mentioned. King Dauid was alſo bounde by couenaunt of agreement to raze cer|tayne Caſtelles within Scotlande,Caſtelsmed. whiche ſee|med moſte noyſome to the Engliſhe Borders, whiche couenaunt hee perfourmed, for vpon hys returne into Scotlande, hee caſt downe the Ca|ſtelles of Dalſwynton, Dunfreys, Mortowne, and Duryſdere.