[1] Archimbalde Dowglas ta|ken priſoner.The Erle of Dowglas eſcaped with life and vntaken, but Archimbald Dowglas, ſonne to ſir Iames Dowglas ſlaine in Spaine, was taken priſoner, albeit his taker ſuffred him to depart for a ſmal raunſom, by reaſon yt William Ramſey of Colluthy, who was alſo taken with him, made ſemblant as though the ſame Archimbald Dow|glas had beene ſome poore ſlaue,A ſubtile po|licie. cauſing hym to pull off his bootes, and to do other ſuch drudging ſeruice, as fell not for the eſtate of a man of any eſtimation or honeſtie, to the ende it ſhoulde not be knowne what he was.