[1] This money was receyued, though a ſmall part thereof came to the handes of the Souldiers or men of warre of Scotland, for the Lordes and nobles kept it ſafe ynough to their owne vſe.The Earle of March and William Dow+glas enter in|to Englande with an army. Yet neuertheleſſe, the Earle of March, and William Dowglas gather their people, & paſſe forth with the ſame to the borders, and entring into Eng|lande, appoynt William Ramſey of the Dale|houſy, to ride afore with a number of light horſ|men,William Ram+ſey of the Dale+houſy. to the ende, that if the Engliſh men did aſ|ſemble and come forth too ſtrong agaynſt him, hee might retyre backe to the mayne battayle, where they lay in couert at a place called Nyſ|bet Moore.