[1] In the meane ſeaſon, the Engliſh hoſt deui|ded likewyſe into three battayles, approached for|warde, and came wythin ſyght of the Scottiſh armie. Wherevppon Dauid Graham wyth a wing of fiue hundred well appoynted horſemen, gaue a full charge on the ſkyrtes of the Engliſh Archers, thinking to haue dyſtreſſed them:Dauid Gra|ham driuen backe. but he was ſo ſharpely receyued and beaten with ar|rowes, that loſing a great number of hys men, [page 351] he was conſtrayned to flee backe to the maine battaile, and that not without great daunger of beeing taken in his flight by ſuche as followed him.