[1] The ſpoyle, waſt, deſtruction, and ſlaughter which the Scottes practiſed with fire and ſword, was wonderful to heare, and incredible almoſt to bee tolde, they ſpared neyther yong nor olde, Church nor Chappell: Religious houſes as wel as other were conſumed to Aſhes.The Abbey of Durham ſpoyled. The Abbay of Durham, and all places thereabout (as the Scottiſhe wryters affyrme) were ſpoyled and miſerably ſacked, although it was ſayde King Dauid was admoniſhed in a dreame that hee ſhoulde in anye wyſe abſtayne from violating the goodes and landes pertayning to Sainct Cutbert.