[1] Lauercoſt.From thence the army remoued, and went vnto the Abbey of Lauercoſt, which they ſpoiled, and that done they departed, and paſſing by Na|warde Caſtell, & the town of Redpeth, kept on tyll they came vnto yt Priorie of Hexham, which they ſacked, but the Towne was ſaued from fire by commaundement of King Dauid, who in this iourney appointed to preſerue foure townes onely from burning, to witte, Hexham afore|ſayde, Corbridge, Darington, and Durham, to the ende he might in them lay vp ſuch ſtore of vi|tayles, as he ſhould prouide abrode in the Coun|trey, wherewith to ſuſteyne his army during the time of his abyding in thoſe parties.