[1] [2] Ri. Southwell.There was vndoubtedly a mightie power of the Scots aſſembled at that preſent, inſomuch as there was of Erles,Two thouſand men of armes. XX. thouſand Hoblers. Lords, Knights, & gentlemẽ, to the number of two M. men of armes, & of ſuch armed men as they called Hoblers, ſet forth by the Burrowes and good townes .xx. M. beſyde the Archers and other footemen, ſo that they were at the leaſt .xl. M. men in all, or as ſome writers affyrme .lx.King Dauid inuadeth Eng|land. thouſande. King Dauid wyth that his puiſſaunt armie, the ſixth of October entred Northumberlande, and comming to a fortreſſe not farre off from the borders called Lydell,The Fort of Lydell. they lay rounde about that place for the ſpace of three dayes, without giuing thereto any aſſault: but the fourth day they aſſayled it tight fiercely, and in the ende entred by fiue force, ſleaing the more part of all thoſe whiche they founde wythin the houſe.Sir Walter Selby behea|ded by the Scottes. The Captaine ſir Walter Selby was taken aliue, but immediately by king Dauid his commaundement had his head ſtryken off, and was not permitted to haue ſo muche time as to make his confeſſion, which he inſtantly deſired to haue done, but it woulde not be graunted.