[1] Calice beſie|ged.About the ſame time did Edwarde King of England beſiege the towne of Calice: the French king therefore deuiſing all wayes poſſible wherby to ſaue that towne, and to cauſe his aduerſarie to reyſe hys ſiege, ſent Ambaſſadours into Scot|lande, to require king Dauid,Ambaſſadours frõ the French king into Scotlande. that with an army he would enter into Englande, and do what do|mage he might vnto the Engliſhe men, to trie if by that meanes king Edward could be conſtray|ned to leauie his ſiege, and to returne home for defence of his owne Countrey and ſubiects.