[1] The Earle of Salisburie ex|changed for the Earle of Murrey.Soone after the Earle of Saliſburie taken by ſir Alexander Ramſey (as before is ſayd) was ex|chaunged for the Earle of Murrey, that had bene holden many yeares before as priſoner in Eng|lande. But it ſhoulde appeare by other wryters, that the Earle of Saliſburie was not taken at that time on the borders of Scotlande;Froiſſan. (as before is ſuppoſed) but in the borders of Fraunce, where he was in the warres whiche king Edwarde the ſame tyme made agaynſt the Frenchmen, and now exchaunged for the Earle of Murrey. But howſoeuer it was,1342 king Dauid after the Realme of Scotlande was once brought into a quiet e|ſtate from the former trouble of warres, he called a Parliament at the towne of Perth,A Parliament at Perth. where hee rewarded verye liberally all ſuche as had eyther done any notable ſeruice themſelues,The bounti|ous liberalitie of K. Dauid. or had loſt any of theyr friendes or parents in defence and recouerie of the Realme oute of his aduerſaries handes.