[1] Sir Alexander Ramſey perceyuing that the moſt part of the garriſon of Rokeſbourgh were eyther ſlain or taken in this laſt conflict, togither with their Captaine came haſtily thither, and gyuing a right fierce aſſault thereto,The Caſtell of Rokesbourgh wonne by A|lexander Ramſey. by fine force tooke it. Wherefore king Dauid in recompence [figure appears here on page 348] of his valiancie thus declared in his ſeruice, gaue vnto him the keeping of this Caſtell, togyther with the Shirifwike of Tinidall. Wherat Wil|liam Dowglas tooke ſuche diſpleaſure, that ſee|king to be reuenged,Alexander Ramſey taken by William Dowglas, and empriſoned. he founde meanes to appre|hend this Alexander Ramſey within the Church of Hawyke, and put him in priſon within the ca|ſtell of Hermitage, where be remayned in greate miſerie and lacke of foode till he dyed.