[1] Alexander Ramſey ro|deth into Englande.About the ſame tyme, Alexander Ramſey of Dalthouſe, one of the moſte valiant Captaynes knowne in thoſe dayes, gathering a great power of men, entred into England and hauing know|ledge that the Engliſhemen were aſſembled,This Ramſey was ſo renow|med, that euery noble man was glad to haue his ſonne and kinſman to ſerue vnder him. in purpoſe to giue him battaile, layde an ambuſhe for them, and trayning them within daunger thereof, by ſuch a fierce and new vnſet as he gaue vpon them, he put them out of order, and thaſed them moſte egrely, kylling and ſleaping a greate number of them at his pleaſure: