[1] The Dowglas hauing in his cõpanie William Bullock, Walter Fraſeir, & Iohn Sandlandes, right valiant knightes, with diuerſe other ha [...]e and bolde perſonages, lay in couert not farre off from the Caſtell, and hauing knowledge giuen him by ſound of borne or otherwiſe whẽ to come forth he haſted therevpon with all diligence vnto the gates, and finding them thus open, firſt ſlue the porters, and after into the Caſtell, within a while had diſpatched all them within, and ſo be|came maiſters of that fortreſſe, within the which for Captaine, they left one William Dowglas, the baſtard brother of the other William Dow|glas, by whoſe conduct chiefely both this enter|pryſe and diuerſe other were luckily atchieued.