[1] In which ſame yeare (as ſome do write) or ac|cording vnto other,A fore dearth. in the yeare following, there was ſuch a miſerable dearth, both through Eng|land and Scotlande, that the people were driuen to eate the fleſh of horſes, dogges, cattes, and ſuch like vnuſed kindes of meate to ſuſtaine their lan|guiſhing lyues withall, ye [...] inſomuch that (as is ſayde) there was a Scottiſh man an vplandiſhe fellow named Tryſticlok,Children eatẽ. ſpared not to ſteale children, and to kil women, on whoſe fleſh he fed, as if he had bene a Woolfe.