[1] Iohn FourdonAmong other exploytes attempted at thys ſiege after the comming of the Lorde William Dowglas, the French man Hugh Handpile, ta|king vpõ him one day to approch the towne with his ſhippes, & to giue an aſſault therto, he loſt the chiefeſt veſſell he had, although afterwards when the towne was now rendred, the Lord William Dowglas cauſed the ſame ſhippe to be to him a|gaine reſtored, and with great thankes and libe|rall rewards giuen as well to him as to the other of the French men, he ſent thẽ backe into France greatly to their pleaſure, and contentation, al|though in theyr returne, as they paſſed oute of Drumley Fyrth they eſcaped very hardly from the ſhore.