[1] At his comming to Perth, he found the king his brother within the Churche there, who being ſore offended with him for his miſordred doings, right ſharply reprooued him for the ſame, and for as muche as he aunſwered him ſomewhat fro|wardly, he plucked foorth hys ſworde: and there thruſt him through the body euen before the al|ter of Saint Iohn,King Edwarde ſleyeth his brother Hol|tam. wiſhing that all ſuche might periſh on the ſame wiſe, as put no difference be|twixt friend and foe, place hallowed or vnhallo|wed, as being no reaſon, that the Church ſhould be any more refuge for him, than he had made it for other.