[1] After that Dauid Cumyn Earle of Athole was ſlayn on this wiſe, Androw Murray was [page 343] choſen gouernour in place of the Erle of Mur|ray.Androw Mur|ray choſen go|uernour. taken (as before is ſayde) by the Engliſhe|men. This Androw Murray in the beginnyng of his new office, layd ſiege to the caſtel of Cou|per with a myghtie power of men, but hearyng that the Cumyns made fowle work in the north partes of the realme,The Cumyns yet to flighte. againſt ſuche as fauoured not the Engliſhe parte, he left that ſiege, & went againſt them, with whom encountring in bat|tayle, he ouerthrewe their armye, and put them all to flyght.