[1] Shortlye after the ſayd, Stewarde and the ſayde Earle, hauing with them a greate power of their frendes and allies,Countreys re|duced to the obeyſance of King Dauid. came into Clydeſdale, Ranfrew, Kyle, Cunyngham, and Ayre, which together with Ros and Murray, they reduced to the obeyſance of king Dauid. The Earle of Murraye alſo, to reuenge the iniuries done by the Earle of Athole, wente vnto Abyrden, and there learning where hee ſoiourned, made thither with all ſpeede: but the Earle of Athole vnder|ſtanding howe all the countrey tooke parte with his aduerſaries,The Earle of A|thole [...]eeth in|to the moun|taines. fled into the mountains, where hee ſuſteyned his lyfe wyth hearbes and rootes for a tyme, and durſte not come foorth to ſhewe his head.