[1] The Ballyoll beeyng ſore offended, that ſuche Caſtelles as were kepte by his enimies, were ſo greate an impedimente to hys enterpri|ſes, by ſuccouring and relieuyng hys aduerſa|ryes to maynteyne warres agaynſt him, he got togyther an armye,Lochleuyn be|ſieged. and the nexte yeare layde ſiege vnto the Caſtell of Lochlevyn: But per|ceyuyng that thys Caſtell myghte not bee wonne without long ſiege, he appoynted Syr Iohn Striuelyng to continue the ſiege wyth a greate power of menne, vntill the Caſtel were yeelded.