[1] That this number and therewith many mo doe abounde by one yeare, William Haryſon dothe gather by the feries, bicauſe Adam Mere|mouth ſayeth, that Magdalene day fell on the Monday this yeare, and that the morrowe after being Tuiſday, Barwike was ſurrendred. But for ſo much as the ſame Meremouth may be perhappes deceyued, or miſtaken heerein, I haue here thought good as in other places, to no [...]e in the margent the yeere, according to the accõpt of Hector Boetius, ſpecially in this place, the ra|ther bicauſe he agreeth with Richard Southwel, Robert Aueſburie, and other of our Engliſh wri|ters, concerning this yeere in whiche this battell was fought: but where the ſame Boetius ſayth, that it was fought on Magdalen day, Richarde Southwell, Robert Aueſburie, Thomas Wall and diuers other affirme, that it was foughte the xix. of Iuly being Saint Margarets turn. But now to proceede.